Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Homes Seattle WA

Louis, reported an increase in May and June home sales on a year-over-year basis, some contacts noted that these sales may reflect closings of homes under contract by the April tax credit deadline. One thing for certain, in the long run you can go wrong with Real Estate Seattle. If you're looking at real estate Seattle or homes for sale Seattle contact Lacey Lingenfelter your Seattle Real Estate agent.

"Its immediate use will provide predevelopment funds for a $21 million portfolio that will preserve about 200 units of housing."

Construction activity remained weak in most Districts. I will stick to the long Real Estate Seattle investment, where based on history you will alwasy see a decent return over a long period of time.

At the same time Wells Fargo recently said they made a $600,000 equity equivalent investment in Northwest Real Estate Capital Corporation which is a non-profit development corporation out of Boise where they help government subsidized properties and manage and/or coordinate other types of affordable housing projects in Idaho. What they do is target subsidized affordable housing properties located in rural communities throughout the northwestern United States. If this is the case, then it could be a great time to invest into Real Estate Seattle. So while the FED is indicating a "sluggish" real estate market attributed to a slow down in some parts of the nation, large lending institutions are taking advantage of the low interest rates and taking advantage of business opportunities. Now duplicate this system, and you will be a very wealthy person, but only the few such as Warren Buffet are intelligent enough and have enough inside information on where the market will go. Perhaps these Wall Street insiders know something that we dont. This very well could be an indicator of things to come and of a much needed uptick in the economy. In its latest survey of the 12 Federal Reserve Districts, known as the Beige Book, the Fed found that while "economic activity has continued to increase, on balance, " many districts reporting increased activity noted that it was only "modest."
Areas that saw improvement include the manufacturing and service sectors.
And when the market does gain strength, it's always best to be one of the first one's in on the investing, that is ofcourse what history shows. Overall, vacancy rates were flat to slightly increased and continued to exert downward pressure on rents. The Wells Fargo investment is at a 5 year term and with very competitive below market interest rates. Perhaps they know that the market has bottomed and that they can currently make great investments at extroadinarly low rates. Is now the time to take advantage of excess housing inventory, low rates and a potential strong economy on the horizon? Commercial and industrial real estate markets continued to struggle in all twelve Districts. The report is in line with comments made by Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke last week, during which he said he expected "moderate growth," but expected the housing market to remain "weak, with the overhang of vacant or foreclosed houses weighing on home prices and construction."

Increasinging banks, lending institutions and finanical companies have been making large investments into the market. Nearly all Districts including the Seattle housing market reported sluggish housing markets in the months since the homebuyer tax credit expired on April 30. Real estate seattle has also seen some investments being made recently, especially in the Lake Union and Urban areas of downtown.